MOU Confirel-ITC
Dr. Hay Ly Eang, President of Confirel, signed a M
From 27 February to 6 March 2016, Confirel participated in the "Salon International de l'Agriculture in Paris", visited by hundreds of thousands of people. Confirel was present on the stand of the French Development Agency and CIRAD, where round tables were held, tastings of IGP products, including Kampot Kirum pepper and Thnot palm sugar, produced and marketed by Confirel . Dr. Hay Ly Eang, President of Confirel, participated in a panel discussion on "PGI and Sustainable Development". Interviewed at the show for a report on the Cambodian chain CTN, Dr Hay Ly Eang said that this event in Paris was "a good opportunity to make better known Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu palm sugar to the Europeans and French people.